Krista Kulchinsky

Krista received a Master’s of Physical Therapy from Philadelphia Pharmacy and Science in 2000. That same year she began her training in CranioSacral therapy (CST) with the Upledger Institute. This first course sparked a passion and a life-long learning process with this type of work for the past 20 plus years.  She has also studied  Zero Balancing developed by Fritz Smith, MD, Brain Therapy under Bruno Chikly, DO, Neuromeningeal Manipulation at the Barral Institute, and has done further CST studies at the International Professional School of Bodywork.

She uses a combination of these indirect gentle manual techniques to connect with her clients and help them connect to their bodies on a deeper level and become more present with the root cause of their symptoms.  This facilitates healing by allowing the body to lead the session and the therapist to listen, follow, and assist the process of unwinding from that root cause. She has seen and continues to see miraculous changes in peoples’ bodies with this work.

Krista’s passion is to spend time with people on a one-to-one basis to truly meet them where they are because this is where change and healing can really happen. In a session the goal is not to discover what is wrong and fix it. It  is to listen to what each person is saying and what their whole being is communicating as well.  In doing this what needs attention can be seen and that person can be met in that place. By being there with someone with these gentle hands-on techniques and bringing their attention to this, their body can let go of resistance and the possibilities for change and healing are limitless. Their body can shift to a new place and this can happen very quickly. The true goal of this work is to observe and be present for each person’s unique experience and help the healing process in any way possible.

Read client testimonials.