CranioSacral Therapy, Zero Balancing, and other Wellness Techniques performed by a Physical Therapist

Meet Krista

Krista Kulchinsky is a licensed physical therapist with over 20 years experience. She uses a combination of indirect gentle manual techniques to connect with her clients and help them connect to their bodies on a deep level and become more present with the root cause of their symptoms. This facilitates healing by allowing the body to lead the session and the therapist to listen, follow, and assist the process of unwinding from that root cause. 

She has seen and continues to see miraculous changes in peoples’ bodies with this work.


Krista blends CranioSacral therapy (CST), Zero Balancing, Brain Therapy, and Neuromeningeal Manipulation to help clients address a multitude of conditions including chronic pain, migraines, orthopedic problems, brain injuries, trauma and much more.


Initial Visit

75 minutes

Follow Up

60 minutes

Initial Visit, child

60 minutes

Follow Up, child

45 minutes

Child appointments are reduced in length for children 7 and under.

Cash, check or credit card accepted at your session. $5 discount for cash/check.

Limitless Physical Therapy is not a participating provider with any insurance company. This is due to the fact that Limitless PT would be unable to spend the necessary time required for this specific type of manual work to be fully effective.  Insurance companies would also not reimburse for sessions consisting of only hands-on treatment.

In Pennsylvania, physical therapists have direct access, allowing you to be evaluated and treated for 30 days without a prescription or referral from your physician. After that time you will need a signed plan of care from your physician to allow you to continue with treatment. Reach out with any questions.

Kindness from Clients:

“Krista Kulchinsky is a deeply gifted practitioner whose work has changed my life. For years, she has not only offered direct healing through her intuitive body work but also has taught me so much about energy, somato-emotional patterns, and the importance of attuning to self as a critical form of agency we all have in our own health. I credit Krista’s practice as the most significant intervention for healing my back from chronic pain and, more recently, a bulging disc that I thought signaled the end of any meaningful form of physical activity ever again. Now I have a healthy back and, more fundamentally, a relationship to my body that is based in protective practices to ensure safety and wellness into the future.

A tremendous benefit to Krista’s work is that she is very curious about the connective components of our physical and metaphysical systems, and she very naturally seeks new ideas, research, and training about a range of modalities & science that intersect with her work. This approach - alongside her steadfast ethos for always presuming & honoring my intuitive expertise about myself and the circumstances and conditions in my everyday life - has been the differentiator for me in the simple function of building self-efficacy in facilitating my own path of health and wellness.

I cannot recommend Krista enough and, truly, I don’t know where I’d be without her!”

~Anne C.

“For over seven years I have been a client of Krista's.  I originally started working with her with Physical Therapy scripts from orthopedic doctors for a number of musculoskeletal issues resulting from sports injuries and other activities. Because of my ongoing activities I realized that I needed  "maintenance" work to keep me out of the doctor's office. I now see her on a regular schedule, especially when I know I will be doing activities that stress my body. 

She has helped me have better posture and alignment. She is thoughtful and very knowledgeable about the body and how to best help my body.

~CSC Wayne PA

“I have been a patient of Krista’s for several years for the effects of several dental surgeries, serious TMJ issues and unexpected back and ankle injuries during that time period. Her specialty in cranio-sacral work plus her physical therapy knowledge has improved my overall balance by reducing restrictions and imbalances especially in the head, neck, spine and pelvis. Good physical balance while healing is really important to assist the body to heal in correct alignment and then be able rebuild strength. Krista is highly trained in her specialty of cranio-sacral work and as a Physical Therapist plus continues to pursue further training related to cranio-sacral, brain and overall physical balancing. She listens well, takes into account a patient’s goals and carefully thinks through what is needed for each patient.   

I am a retired Physical Therapist who embraced and practiced cranio-sacral therapy over many years. I know its ability to impact the body positively.  Krista’s intuition and natural healing ability in addition to her continuing studies add to her practice of cranio-sacral therapy and take it to a much higher level which greatly helps her patients. I highly recommend Krista’s work!

 ~Tracy H., Patient and Retired PT

Our ability to make changes and heal are
